burmese-beans-pae-pyout Easy Burmese Breakfast

Burmese-beans-pae-pyout Easy Burmese Breakfast

burmese-beans-pae-pyout Easy Burmese Breakfast with THREE ingredients

This is THE famous breakfast item in Burma/Myanmar.


1 cup Pae pyout or whole yellow peas (cooked)

2 cups cooked rice

2 shallot

3 eggs

1/2 teaspoon of tumeric powder (optional)

a pinch of salt to taste

a pinch of MSG (optional)


sauteed the shallots until golden brown and set aside. Fry the eggs sunny side up with some salt and set aside. use the fried shallot oil (2 table spoons). scramble one egg in oil to make fried rice. add tumeric and beans to the egg in the frying pan and stir for 2 mins. then add in the rice (hot rice, not cold or a day old) and stir until all ingredients are incorporated. add in salt and DONE! put on sunny side eggs and serve. you can also put some chopped green onion (optional). In Burma, the dish is usually served with some chopped shallot, chili and fresh garlic on the side as a condiment, also optional.


why the rice breakfast?

In Burma (Myanmar), as in many other Asian countries, rice is a staple food and a significant part of the daily diet. Eating rice in the morning is a common practice in Burmese culture for several reasons:

  1. Tradition: It is a long-standing cultural tradition in Myanmar to have rice as part of the morning meal. This practice has been passed down through generations, and people often prefer to stick to traditional eating habits.
  2. Nutritional Benefits: Rice is a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy to kickstart the day. A rice-based breakfast can help provide sustained energy throughout the morning.
  3. Availability and Affordability: Rice is widely available and affordable in Myanmar, making it a practical choice for the morning meal, especially in regions where rice is the primary crop.
  4. Cultural Significance: Rice is deeply embedded in the culture and traditions of Myanmar. It is often seen as a symbol of prosperity and abundance, so starting the day with rice can carry cultural significance.
  5. Taste and Preference: Many people simply enjoy the taste and texture of rice, and they may find it comforting to have rice as part of their breakfast.

It is a matter of fact that while rice is a common breakfast food in Myanmar, the specific dishes served alongside or prepared with rice can vary widely. In addition to plain rice, Burmese breakfasts may include rice congee (a rice porridge), fried rice, or various rice-based salads and curries. These breakfast options provide a variety of flavors and textures to cater to different tastes and preferences.

burmese-beans-pae-pyout Easy Burmese Breakfast with THREE ingredients

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