Burmese Food and beyond

Burmese Recipes

Burmese Myanmar recipes are influenced by neighboring countries. You can see the influence in our recipes like fish noodle soup, coconut noodle soup, curries and many other. Our negihbor India inspire our curries same as Thai influence some of our coconut dishes.

Burma/Myanmar has different ethnictiy in the country and this reflect in Burmese recipes. There are Kachin, Kayar, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Rahkhine, Shan as well as Bamar (Myanmar). Every ethnic food is different based on the ingredients available as well as the enviromnment. For instance, people tend to eat hot and spicy when they live in cold climate. People in hot area tend to eat cooler and colder dishes generally.

A True Melting Pot or “A Salad Bar”

The Burmese cusinse is so complex based on where one goes. In the most popular cities like Yangon and Mandalay, one will see a variety of dishes from different vendors. People come to big cities to sell their famous dish/recipe from older generations.

There are many vendors in most popular cities just like any other major country. Burmese people are very passionate about eating, sharing food and living their lives through food.

How Political Turmoil Affect Food Industry in Myanmar

We simply can’t ignore what is happening in Burma if we are going to talk about Burmese food and how it impact the food industry. There was a coup in Burma on February 1 2021 and the military took over the country by force. Everything turned upside down. The military displays the most astrocious acts against it’s people and this affect people’s daily lives.

The stalls and restaurants close as early as 8 PM because of curfew. Food stalls used to open late till 2 AM but that is no longer the case anymore.

The drugged up soliders threatened to rob or ransack any shop depending on their mood of the day. Politics is complex in Burma since Nay Win. Burmese people have never expreienced this much voilence against humanity till now.

Growth That Will Soon Disappear In Burma

The world wide internet access and international investments from the west had helped Burma/Myanmar tremendously in recent years. There were a lot of opportunities in Burma/Myanmar in the last decade.

Now with the coup, all international companies are leaving the country due to unstable situation. It seem that the coup is going to set the country back 3 decades. People are afraid to go outside and food is the furthest thing on their mind.

Some shop owners do not want to open their shops in protest to military for all the astrocities they are committing against the people of Burma/Myanmar. One of the consequence of civil war is inflation and the price of everything is going up including grocery.

Many food shop owners struggle to keep the place open with high rent and high grocery prices and not enough cutomers. People do not want to waste money to eat out at expensive places; they look for cheap eats. Some places start to open to survive. Many people can’t simply afford to eat out like before.

First World Vs. Third World During Pandemic & The Burmese Cuisine

The pandemic affect restaurants and small food shops worldwide and many shops go out of business due to closure and lack of customers. Imagine the pandemic at the third world country with the military coup, Burmese people have little to no hope to survive yet that is what they are doing – surviving.

The Purpose of BurmeseCooking.com

The goal of this website is to share Burmese food with the world and hopefully raise awareness to help the people of Burma/Myanmar. You can donate here on the website for the people of Burma/Myanmar. 100% of your donation will go to the people of Burma/Myanmar and we will provide the receipt. We can also refer you to the organization directly per request.

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